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Why do we need transcription?

by Lasse Finderup, Head of Growth at Good Tape16 November 2023
Why do we need transcription?
Lasse Finderup

Have you ever found yourself straining to remember every detail from that last business meeting or wishing you could rewind that important lecture?

This is where the magic of transcription services steps in.

Transcription ensures that content is universally accessible, making every document reader-friendly. It offers many benefits, from enhancing discoverability and creativity to aiding in archiving and preservation. Using transcription can be the key to working intelligently and efficiently to maximise productivity.

Let's dive in and understand why transcription has become an essential tool across various sectors.

Understanding the Necessity of Transcription

Imagine accessing your favourite podcast, video, or even an essential business meeting in text format, making it more searchable, shareable, and accessible. This is what transcription services offer.

Corporate transcription services involve converting spoken words into text format. This allows you to have a written record of every significant audio recording, be it a conference call, a brainstorming session, or a business pitch.

Not only does transcription aid in ensuring clarity – it also serves as a valuable reference for future discussions.

Transcription in Business: A Tool for Efficiency

Transcription services for business efficiency are proving invaluable for businesses looking to optimise operations.

  • Clarity in communication: Capture every word spoken in a boardroom. No more, ‘he said, she said.’ Transcription ensures every idea is documented.
  • Legal precision: In legal sectors, where every word can tip the scales, transcription acts as a reliable witness. Client consultations? Detailed and documented (of course we always advise that you check and verify all machine-done transcriptions).
  • Event chronicles: Corporate milestones, product launches, or seminars – everything is preserved, provides clarity in discussions, and serves as official records.

Transcription in Academia: The Key to Precision

Transcription in academic research benefits you more than you think. It’s like having an assignment partner, or an AI version of the intern you are currently getting to do robot work. From interviews and seminars to presentations and field notes, transcription ensures accurate and quick data access.

  • Note-taking evolved: Forget scribbled lecture notes. Transcription means accurate, searchable records of every academic session.
  • Streamlined studies: Transcription helps convert qualitative interviews or lectures into clear text, simplifying review sessions.
  • Clear interviews: Spending hours trying to catch that one key point in an audio interview? Transcription services turn those challenges into clear, readable text in no time.

Transcription: An Ally for Journalists

In journalism, every word has the power to shape narratives, and that’s exactly why we need transcription for journalists and reporting.

  • Time well spent: As a journalist, spending time on transcribing an interview is probably the least valuable thing you can spend time doing. Automatic Transcription Services allows the journalist to spend time where it really matters.
  • Content creation: With transcribed data, creating multimedia content or articles becomes seamless, ensuring every story is told in its entirety.
  • Data at your fingertips: Instantly search for key moments or statements. Transcription is like having a digital notebook that's always organised.

Benefits of Transcription

From being accessible to everyone and improving Google ranking to aiding students and professionals, transcription is genuinely making a difference. Still wondering what the benefits of transcriptions are?

Here's a breakdown of the key advantages it brings to the table:

  • Accessibility amplified: Transcriptions ensure that content is accessible to those with hearing impairments, bridging communication gaps effectively.
  • SEO boost: Transcribed content enhances search engine optimization. When your digital content is in text format, it stands a better chance of being recognised and ranked by search engines, connecting you with a larger audience.
  • Enhanced engagement: Interactive transcripts allow users to engage better with video and audio content, enabling them to follow along or jump to specific sections with ease.
  • Journalistic integrity: Transcription ensures accuracy for journalists. When reporting, getting the facts right is non-negotiable. Transcriptions help journalists verify quotes and facts, maintaining the integrity of their work.
  • Streamlined research: Transcriptions turn hours of verbal discussions into text, making it easier to extract insights. For researchers, this means quicker data analysis and less time sorting through audio files.

However, like all good things, transcription services come with their set of challenges:

  • Accuracy issues: A common obstacle faced by AI-powered transcriptions is the potential for inaccuracy. Context, accents, or background noise can sometimes lead to misinterpretations. For that reason, we advise you to check the audio-quality of your tape (Good Tape has built-in software that automatically enhances the quality of your files).
  • ‘Hallucinations’: As we are dealing with cutting-edge software, we can encounter some quirky results. Usually this happens if the recording has a section of silence as the AI will look for sounds to turn into words. Try cutting the silence out of your tape and you should be good to go.

Here’s how you overcome these challenges:

  • Quality over quantity: Ensure you're using a reputable transcription service that focuses on accuracy, like Good Tape. You are trying to save hours, so don’t go for the second best thing – that’ll only cost you hours.
  • Regular audits: Periodically review transcripts, especially automated ones, to catch and correct any errors.
  • Hybrid approach: Consider blending automated tools with human touch-ups for optimum accuracy and efficiency.

With the proper approach and resources, any hurdles can be easily navigated, letting you enjoy all the benefits of transcription services.

Bridging Language Gaps with Transcription

Transcriptions give you the ability to break down language barriers. For example, you can have your information translated, allowing you to add subtitles to your video. This enables you to make your message accessible to a much larger audience and reach and connect with people from all over the world.

Likewise, a properly transcribed audio file also allows you to bridge the gap between your content and individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Choosing the Right Transcription Service

Selecting a professional transcription service for your audio files is crucial. It's more than just handing over recordings; it's about ensuring clarity, accuracy, and security.

Here's what you should look for when making your choice:

  • Accuracy: The transcription service should have a reputation for delivering highly accurate transcriptions, minimising errors in the converted text.
  • Speed: A swift turnaround time ensures you can work efficiently and stay ahead of your timelines.
  • Security: Your recordings might contain sensitive information. Ensure the service you choose prioritizes data protection and confidentiality. *With Good Tape, all files are fully encrypted and handled within the EU – you even get a data processing agreement included.
  • File compatibility: Check if the service supports a wide range of input file formats, ensuring your audio files can be easily transcribed.
  • Customer feedback: Always look for positive reviews and testimonials. They provide a genuine insight into the quality and reliability of the service.

If you're on the hunt for a transcription service that delivers all of the above and more, look no further than Good Tape. We’ve made sure to tick all the boxes, and truly believe we have the best service out there. It’s completely free to try Good Tape and even free to use for private needs.

The Professional Transcription Solution from Good Tape

Good Tape isn't just any transcription service. We pride ourselves on delivering impeccable accuracy, unmatched security, and efficiency. Regardless of the sector – be it corporate, academia, or journalism – Good Tape is a transcription service that you can rely on.

Be at ease, as your recordings are end-to-end encrypted, follow GDPR rules, and always stay within the EU. Good Tape is open and honest with pricing, and we’re here to answer any questions you may have at any time. You can contact us by sending an email to

Getting Started with Good Tape: Accurate and Efficient Transcription

Here's how you can submit your file to Good Tape and get the accurate transcription results you need:

  1. Upload your file: Upload your audio or video content file. It's the first step in getting your content transcribed.

  1. Select your language: Choose the language of the content in your file. Good Tape supports over 100 languages; you can also leave it on 'auto-detect' for our system to identify it.

  1. Provide your active e-mail: We'll need a working email to send you the transcription. Make sure it's an active email that you can access.

  1. Agree to our terms: Tick the box to indicate that you consent to the terms of using Good Tape.

  1. Click on 'Transcribe': Once everything is set, hit the 'Transcribe' button to start the process.

  1. It will take up to 20 minutes: For the Casual Users (our Free Plan), Good Tape can transcribe a maximum of 30 minutes in a single go. With our paid plans, you get unlimited length.

  1. Get a notification: And once it's done, you will receive an email.

With the link to the transcription.

It's as simple as that.

Good Tape is designed to make your transcription process efficient and easy. Give it a try for Free and experience the highest-quality transcription.

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We believe everyone should have access to top-quality automatic trancriptions.

That's why Good Tape is completely free to use. No credit card required.

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